Cllr. Vanessa Brown

BH2022/01983 – The Hilltop Café, Hill Top


14th August 2022:

I wish to object to the above application for an extension to the Cafe.


This application is not actually in Hove Park Ward but it is on the opposite side of Dyke Road Avenue and my residents are already adversely impacted by the inconsiderate parking of some users of the cafe. When the car park is full, which it often is, vans and lorries park partly on the pavement on Hove Park side of the road on double yellow lines.


This causes chaos near the roundabout and badly affects sight lines for pedestrians wishing to cross the road.


There is no provision for extra parking so with an enlarged cafe the situation can only get worse.


People go the cafe for food and drink not to access the SDNP as is stated. The A23 bypass is a major barrier.


Friends Groups have planted trees and built bunds. These must be protected.